Journeys in Uganda - Day 9 &10
Monday, June 3 is Martyrs Day in Uganda - Millions of people have pilgrimaged to Kampala to celebrate. I am so pleased that our 2019 Book of Common Prayer (prayer book) acknowledges the atrocities committed against Christian's.

Another long and exhausting day of driving. The dirt road to to the village of Mashanje was at least 28k (16.15 miles) down a long narrow bumpy road. We finally arrived to the OneChildGlobal Hope Center where we spent 5 hours. Mushanje is in the Diocese of Kigezi and there are 85 sponsored children here, but the opportunity and need is great.
I was with Bishop Gaddie and we visited two homes where OneChild beneficiaries' reside. Both of these homes had single mothers raising children - their husbands had died. The mothers are extremely grateful for the help they receive.
Next, we spent time with all the kids! Several were given opportunities to connect with their sponsors vis the Bridgedly app. In spite of their poverty they are a beautiful community and very joyful.
Tomorrow we heard to Rwanda and closer to my return.
My time here has been both beautiful and heartbreaking. I am happy to have made new friends from Kenya, Virginia, New Orleans, Uganda and Colorado.