Journey to Uganda Day 1
This sweatshirt was a gift from my daughter and I think it’s perfect. Maybe you wonder what a Deacon of the Church does. I like the title of Deacon/Professor Tara Jernigans book “The Foundational Order” - Deacons are the foundation of the church. And I appreciate Deacon Erin Moniz’s work in her article “Not Just a Deacon” - and here are a few highlights: God calls deacons to a special servant hood under the Bishop - exactly why I am going to Uganda. Deacons serve all people, particularly the weak, sick and lonely. Deacons interpret the needs, hopes and concerns of the world to the church. Deacons assist the priest or bishop in administration of the word (we preach, teach catechism) and sacrament (we offer the chalice during holy communion). The Life of a Deacon is to Christs people, that is serving others, we are serving Christ. Everyday is an adventure in the life of a deacon as we try to live open to wherever the Lord leads.